Monday, March 7, 2011

Pictures from the book signing event with Stephen Swinburne

Stephen Swinburne with Nathan C McGregor, 8 yrs. old in third grade at Pearl B Larsen Elementary School.

Stephen Swinburne with Waldo Jack, who is 6yrs. old in the first grade, Pearl B Larsen Elementary School.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


On Wednesday, December 22, from 6 until 8pm, Undercover will host a reception and signing for Warren Mosler’s new book The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy.

“The federal government isn’t going to ‘run out of money.’…All it takes for the government to spend is to change numbers up in bank accounts at its own bank, the Federal Reserve Bank. There is no numerical limit to how many dollars our government can spend, whenever it wants to spend. This includes making interest payments as well as Medicare and Social Security payments. It includes all government payments made in dollars to anyone…This, however, does NOT mean that the government can spend all it wants without consequence. Overspending can drive up prices and fuel inflation…It is to say that the government can’t go broke and can’t be bankrupt. There is simply no such thing.”

This quote takes on one of the greatest obstacles deemed “deadly innocent frauds,” standing in the way of national prosperity. Here, Warren Mosler identifies and debunks seven entrenched ideas keeping the economy in a downward trajectory. In this insightful book, he exposes commonly-held beliefs such as “deficits leave the debt burden to our children” and “Social Security is broken,” to be economic myths. In addition to correcting these mindsets, Mosler promotes the restoration of the American economy with practical and feasible proposals. Along the way, he explains the operational realities of the monetary system in clear, down-to-earth language; it is a pleasant surprise that economics can be such a lively subject at the pen of Warren Mosler.

An entrepreneur and financial professional, Warren Mosler has spent the past 37 years gaining a true insider’s knowledge of monetary operations. He co-founded AVM, a broker/dealer providing advanced financial services to large institutional accounts, and the III family of investment funds in 1982, which he turned over to his partners in 2007. He began his career after graduating from the University of Connecticut with a B.A. in Economics in 1971 and has been deeply involved in the academic community, giving presentations at conferences around the globe and publishing numerous articles in economic journals, newspapers and periodicals. He also presides over Mosler Automotive ( , which manufactures the Mosler MT900 sports car. His blog can be found at

For more information please contact Kathy Bennett at Undercover Books & Gifts,, or the author at


On Saturday, December 4, 2010, William Boyer will be at Undercover Books from 2:00 – 4:00 in the afternoon signing his Second Edition of America’s Virgin Islands. In October of 2008, the publisher of the first edition of this book asked William Boyer to consider writing a second edition to update the book to include the period of 1980 to 2010. Mr. Boyer accepted the challenge and now we are fortunate to have his book in the second edition. The book covers the history of the Virgin Islands beginning with Columbus and the settlement of St. Croix and ending with the present.

Part I is entitled “Roots 1942-1917” and it covers Columbus, colonialism, slavery, repression and rebellion.

“As the labor-intensive crop of sugar replaced tobacco and other crops during the late seventeenth century, and as the armies of Louis XIV required increasing numbers of soldiers, bonded European labor was gradually replaced by African slavery…The total number of slaves in the Virgin Islands continued to increase through the eighteenth century until a peak was reached in 1803 of 35,727 of whom 27,161 were claimed by St. Croix, after which the number steadily declined in all three islands.”

Part II covers the freedom struggle (1917-1954).

“In the case of the Virgin Islands, the Danes evinced ‘almost no feeling of responsibility for the social problems,’ and their ‘lack of interest in anything beyond personal fortune persisted throughout the remaining years of Danish occupation.’

Campbell, St. Thomas Negroes – A Study of Personality and Culture

Part III describes “tourism syndrome” (1954-1980).

“A 1957 survey revealed the Virgin Islands were registering the third highest growth in tourism of all Caribbean islands. The number of cruise ship visits to St. Thomas increased from forty-eight in fiscal year 1956-57 to one hundred and fifty seven in 1960-61 when 247,700 visitors came to the Islands.”

Part IV deals with “Persisting Problems” (1980-2010). This includes constitutional conundrums, crime, health care, educational challenges and more.

The book is complete with photos, illustrations, tables and maps. In his introduction, William Boyer writes

“The Virgin Islands…are appropriately called ‘America’s Paradise,’ and enjoy a near-perfect climate with an average temperature of 78 degrees throughout the year. Each island has something unique to offer the visitor-the Old World charm, architecture and ruins of St. Croix, the most Danish of the islands; the incomparable panoramic view from the mountaintops of St. Thomas of one of the most beautiful enclosed harbors in the world; and the unspoiled, natural, relaxed setting of forested mountains and valleys of St. John which boasts the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean. “

“In many respects the American Virgin Islands are a microcosm of the human family. The diversity of their physical environment is matched by the diversity of their people. There is a history of the Virgin Islands of the United States. It is a record of the people of the Virgin Islands and the struggles of their greater number as slaves, serfs, and citizens to gain control of their own destiny. This is a history, broadly concieved , of human rights and human wrongs.”

William Boyer is the Charles Polk Messick Professor Emeritus of the Department of Political Science and International Relations and Visiting Scholar in the Center for Applied Demography and Survey Research at the University of Delaware. After earning his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in political science and American cultural and intellectual history at the University of Wisconsin (Madison), Dr. Boyer became an internationally recognized scholar of development in less developed countries – an interest first kindled during his World War II experience in the eastern Caribbean. Having conducted a unique around-the-world lecture tour of seven Asian nations for the U.S. State Department and served as management consultant for the U.S. Agency for International Development in the Caribbean Basin, Dr. Boyer has been a visiting professor at the University of the Virgin Islands, professor-advisor in Pakistan, Fulbright professor in India and South Korea, Ford Foundation professor in Malaysia, Asia Foundation consultant in Bangladesh, the only American member of the United Nations Group of Experts on Methodologies of Policy Analysis and Development, and author of numerous books and articles on public affairs.

Cover: U.S. Secretary of State Robert Lansing (left) handing a “warrant” for purchase of the Islands of $25 million in gold to the Danish Minister, 1917. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

For more information please contact Kathy Bennett at Undercover Books & Gifts 340-719-1567 or email the author at





The merchants of Gallows Bay are busy organizing their holiday event which will take place on Thursday, December 16th from 5 until 9pm. The retail stores and restaurants will be open for business and there will be entertainment throughout the Gallows Bay Area. Many of the retail stores and businesses will have special events that night and customers can shop while being entertained by local talent. The event will span from The Case Place and Frongillo Hair Care, where Texas Jim will be playing outside under the awning in front of the harbor, to Patalidas, Schooner Bay Market and Sharkey’s Bait Stand where Central High School Jazz Band and Ebenezer Methodist Steel Pan Band will be delighting the crowd. The Santa Cruz Brass Ensemble will be playing Christmas music in front of the Post Office , a surprise live band in front of Gallows Bay Hardware, and there will be steel pan music in front of Gallows Bay Kitchen & Home. Throughout the evening the Guardians of Culture Moko Jumbies will perform in various locations, as will the wonderful dancers of the Quadrille Dance Troupe. Christmas Carolers will be traveling throughout the area singing traditional Christmas songs. For the kids, Santa will be at Gallows Bay Hardware and Schooner Bay Market and Annaly Guerra will be reading children’s books at Undercover Books & Gifts in the Atrium (with a special reading of The Night Before Christmas). The bookstore is hosting a double signing Michael Connors with his latest table top book, British West Indies Style and local Marcy Heistand’s debut Crucian romance novel, After the Storm.

Two fabulous new eateries will make their debut that night, Prime Place Market (in the old Anything Goes space) and The Bistro(next door to the bookstore). The Case Place and No Bones Café will be open and serving food all evening. And don’t forget about Gallows Bay’s own homemade ice cream, sorbet and gelato shop, Jaccar, Organic & Natural Sorbet Traveller’s Tree is joining the festivities with some fantastic specials and ideas for Christmas gifts. Tropical Therapy, Frongillo Hair Care, Peter Stewart Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and Under the Palms Hair Salon are offering some therapeutic and beauty and health-related Christmas gift giving ideas.

All in all, it’s a great night for the whole family to come out to Gallows Bay and celebrate your holiday season with a bang and get some of your Christmas shopping done, too! All the merchants of Gallows Bay wish you and your family a very happy , healthy and safe holiday season.

. The participating businesses are as follows:

Schooner Bay Market, Sharkey’s Bait Stand, Patalidas Designers, No Bones Café, Caribbean Printing & Marketing, The Traveller’s Tree, Gallows Bay Kitchen & Home, Jaccar Organic & Natural Sorbet, Prime Place Market, American Medical Plan, St. Croix Environmental Association, The Bistro, Peter Stewart, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Under the Palms Hair Salon, Tropical Therapy Wellness Spa, Undercover Books & Gifts, MMC Mustafa Mehmet Corp., Coldwell Banker Land-de Wilde Realty, The Daily News, Gallows Bay Hardware, J.K.C. Communications, The Case Place and Frongillo Hair Care.

If you have questions, please contact Kathy Bennett at Undercover Books & Gifts, 340-719-1567.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Exciting Book Signings

March 19, 2010: 5:30-7:30pm Nobel Laureate and author of The Return of Depression Economics, Paul Krugman

March 20, 2010: 3-5pm Virgin islander Tiphanie Yanique, author of brilliant collection of short stories How To Escape From A Leper Colony. Featured in March 2010 issue of Oprah Magazine!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November, December Events at the Store

We have lots of great events happening in the next few weeks, here they are:

November 24: 6-8pm Searching for Truth & Justice: The Writings of Ralph D. de Chabert, Edited by George Tyson
November 27: 5:30 - 8:30: Historic Photos of St. Croix: 1860-1917; Edited by Betsy Rezende
December 4: 5-8pm Portraits of Paradise, Daily News Photographers photos
December 5: 24: Steve Katz, CD signing for new CD
December 8: 6-8pm: Chicken Noodle News by John Baker
December 9th: Holiday Festival Signing for "Pabi, Beega and the Mongoose Monster" by Patricia Gill
December 10: Freedom Writer's Signing

Monday, September 14, 2009

Our many Booksignings

We have many booksignings coming up this fall. We hope to see you often!
Call 719-1567 to find out the times
  • Sir Allen & Me by Robert Hoffman September 18:
  • Jumbie by George Franklin October 2:
  • Freedom Run by Eugene LaCorbiniere October 30:
  • Teaching Hope by Sue Diverio November 6:
  • Writer's Circle November 13:
  • Caribbean Houses by Michael Connors November 20:
  • Historic Photos of St. Croix 1860-1917 by Betsy Rezende November 27: